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Tough Mudder Whistler: Are You Tough Enough?

Whistler Tough Mudder

Are you ready to challenge yourself at the Tough Mudder Whistler this year? Returning to Whistler on June 16 - 17, 2018, the Tough Mudder is the ultimate obstacle course complete with climbing, crawling, mud, ice water, electrical shocks, and much more.

Each year of Tough Mudder has returned with new man-made obstacles and challenges that perfectly weave into the mountain terrain of the Whistler Olympic Park in Callaghan Valley. Prepare yourself for anything and everything as you’ll be climbing 9 foot walls, crawling through mud, and working together with your teammates to complete these epic obstacle courses.

Tough Mudder Obstacle Course

Tough Mudder is hosting over 20 different obstacles spanning a distance of 16 km (or 10 miles) that you can test your physical and mental strength on. Take the challenge solo or with a team of friends to help you tackle the obstacles. The extra support from your team could be the deciding factor when you’re down in the mud.

New at Tough Mudder Whistler this year is a competitive twist. As a ticket upgrade, you can race for the best times in the first wave on Saturday to be eligible for some prize money.

Tough Mudder Team

Tough Mudder Half

Are you looking for a challenge for the whole family? Tough Mudder Half has all the thrills of the original but is half the distance at only 8 km with 13 obstacles. The minimum age for the Half Mudder is 14 so you can bring the kids along too! The course is just as steep and challenging as the original but involves no ice, fire, or electricity.

Whistler Accommodations

Are you still looking for a place to stay during Tough Mudder? Our hotel, Legends, is located in Whistler Creekside, the closest part of town to the Callaghan Valley. Relax and enjoy the amazing summer weather on an outdoor patio or explore the PEAK 2 PEAK from the Creekside Gondola. Check out our deals and packages that include spa experiences and more, perfect after a long day at the Tough Mudder.

Photo Credit: Tourism Whistler / Mike Crane